1 Reserved table for 10 of your guests.
Large banner with your company name at the entrance of the banquet room.
Full page ad in programs-logo included on marketing material.
A $50 gift certificate for each guest to New Beginnings thrift store.
1 drink ticket to the cash bar for each guest.
Silver/Dessert Sponsor $5,000
1 Reserved table for 10 of your guests.
Your company name will be included in the program and on our marketing material.
Your company name to be recognized at the Dessert Table.
$25.00 Gift Certificate for the New Beginnings Thrift Store.
1 drink ticket to the cash bar for each guest.
Coffee Sponsor $1,500
1 Reserved table for 10 of your guests.
Your company name will be included in the program and on our marketing material.
1 drink ticket to the cash bar for each guest.
Corporate Table Sponsor $1,200
1 Reserved table for 10 of your guests.
Your company will be included in all marketing materials.
Your company name will be included in the program and on our marketing material.
1 drink ticket to the cash bar for each guest.